Liebster Award!

Friday 15 August 2014

I was recently nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Zahra over at I Am Chic London who I definitely recommend you go and check out! I am so excited to share my responses with you so here goes...

"The Liebster Award is a pay it forward kinda chain in the blogging community, allowing bloggers to be more discoverable by spreading the word. Fellow bloggers nominate bloggers to answer questions, who in turn pass the challenge on. It’s a great chain to be a part of! 

The Rules: 

- Post the award on your blog. 
- Thank the blogger who presented this award and link back to their blog. 
- Write 11 random facts about yourself. 
- Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and who have less than 200 followers. 
- Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees 11 questions."

11 Random Facts About Me

1. I have been a vegetarian for about 10 years!
2. I am one of the worst decision makers you could ever meet.
3. I have the strong desire to change my hair cut drastically about once a week but never do.
4. I am attracted to anything with a moderate to large covering of glitter!
5. There are a crazy amount of places that I want to travel to in my lifetime, top of the list currently being Fiji!
6. I enjoy listening to the majority of genres of music and there isn't much that I don't like, although I have an unhealthy obsession with country music.
7. I have always wanted to learn to play the guitar.
8. I am insanely pale and get sun burnt in minutes!
9. I keep changing my mind as to what I want to do for a job.
10. I blush so easily; I put it down yo the pale skin!
11. I adore languages and speak French to some sort of passable degree!

Zahra's Questions

1. What are you most passionate about? 
I love being around people all of the time so am definitely most passionate about the amazing friends and family that I have in my life.

2. What inspired you to start blogging? Your top tip for newbie bloggers? 

I had been reading blogs for so many years and have always considered starting one myself but never did. Eventually, I decided to start my own but I was definitely inspired by many other beauty and fashion bloggers. My top tip for new bloggers is to make sure that you're not only writing content that people want to read but also that interests you because blogging can be such a powerful outlet!

3. Who is your style icon? 

I have always loved Lauren Conrad's style- she is so effortlessly cool, even now still in the post-'The Hills' years!

4. Do you have a motto that you live by or favourite quote? 

"To those who can dream there is no such place as faraway" or "not all those who wander are lost"!

5. What’s your favourite make up product/brand? 

My favourite make up product is a popular pick but is the Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer and my favourite brand is probably Rimmel or Benefit!

6. Your favourite Book/Movie/TV show? 

My favourite book is Pride and Prejudice, favourite movie is probably Legally Blonde and TV show is Bones, Pretty Little Liars or Keeping Up With The Kardashians!

7. Your favourite social platform? 

Probably Twitter!

8. What makes you smile? 

Lots of things- mostly seeing my beautiful baby niece!

9. Favourite travel destination 

My favourite place that I've been is Kefalonia but for the future, I'd love to see New Zealand!

10. Currently top on your wishlist? 

It was much more popular a few years ago but I'd say the Mac Mineralize Skinfinish Natural!

11. Do you have a favourite MUA/Youtuber? 

I watch so many of the beauty related youtubers but probably FleurdeForce!

My Nominations

1. Lauren at Lauren Maries Reveries
2. Steph at Little Miss Crimson
3. Emma at Emerveille
4. Molly at Molly Pocket X
5. Laura at Laura London
6. Hannah at Curvy Girl Fashion
7. Kiran at Gemini Fatale
8. Kelsey at Peach Blossom
9. Katrina at Curvy Melon
10. Lauraemie at Lauraemie
11.Quinn at Curiously Quinn

My questions for you fabulous girls are:

1. If you could get on a plane to anywhere tomorrow, where would you go? 
2. What trend are you most excited for for Autumn/Fall this year?
3. What is your favourite thing about being a blogger?
4. If you could only have make up from one brand from now on, which brand would you choose?
5. What are your top 3 ultimate make up products?
6. Do you have any weird habits?
7. Which 3 words would you use to describe your personal style? 
8. What would your dream house be like and where would it be?
9. What is your favourite high street/online clothing shop?
10. Do you have any go-to everyday jewellery pieces?
11. What do your family think about your blog?

I really enjoyed answering these questions and choosing my 11 nominations; I look forward to reading your responses! 

Thank you for reading,

Jodie x

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