Another tag!

Thursday 21 February 2013

Hi everyone, today I have decided to do another tag post because I saw it on: and really liked the questions! I love tags because they let you get to know the people behind the blogs a bit more so I hope you enjoy!

1. What beauty resolutions have you set yourself for 2013?
Thinking about it now, my resolutions are to take my makeup off every night- even when I just want to go to sleep- and to wash my makeup brushes regularly as that is something I often neglect.
2. If you could click your fingers and make one beauty product appear to be yours, what would it be?
Hmm... a few of the YSL glossy stains look amazing! Lovely colours and the formulation looks incredible!
3. Tell me one of your favourite makeup tips.
One of my favourites is using nude eyeliner on the waterline and a highlight shadow in the inner corners of the eyes- both to brighten!

4. If you could raid anyone's makeup bag, famous or not, whose would it be?
Oo, this is a difficult one- I would say Amanda Seyfried's! I love how effortless and simple, yet gorgeous her makeup always is!

5. What's your current favourite skincare brand?
The Superdrug own 'Naturally Radiant' is really great, especially for such an affordable price! The hot cloth cleanser is lovely and amazing for removing makeup! I will be reviewing some of the line soon.
6. Why did you decide to start blogging?

I have watched youtube beauty videos for about 3-4 years and have read blogs for most of that; I have always wanted to start my own but never got the nerve to do it! I also love writing and beauty so it seemed perfect!

7. Who is your celebrity style crush?

This would be either Lauren Conrad or Taylor Swift. I love Lauren Conrad's effortless, casual style and I adore Taylor's vintage, quirky style!

8. If you could eat just one food forever, what would it be?

I don't really know... maybe pineapple or quinoa!

9. What is your dream job?
I'm not too sure what I want to study at university but maybe English, French or something along those lines!

10. What is your favourite film?
Legally blonde!

11. Tell me one random fact about you - it can be anything!

I'm not that interesting! I'm a vegetarian and have been for about 9 years!

I hope you have enjoyed this tag- I tag you all to do it! If you do, leave a link in the comments of this post so that I can check yours out.

Thank you for reading,

Jodie  x

Rimmel Scandaleyes Eyeliner Review!

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Today I am going to be talking about another Rimmel product that has been very impressive: the Scandaleyes Waterproof Kohl Kajals as they are officially known! I have seen these on multiple occasions in the drugstore but never ended up getting one so am very happy that I finally bought one the other day. There are seven colours available- black, silver, bright blue, purple, bronze, nude and taupe. I chose to get the colour 'Nude' because I was very intrigued after hearing about the use of nude eyeliner to brighten your eyes.

For my first opinion, I really like this product and the colour is great for reducing redness and consequently making your eyes seem much more bright and awake. I tried to get some pictures of this on my waterline; however, it is a difficult colour to show so in this way so have just swatched it!

This eyeliner has a good consistency and is very smooth and easy to apply; the colour pay off of this colour is great and it really makes a difference when used on the waterline. In terms of being waterproof, this eyeliner is certainly much more longwearing than a standard eyeliner and does stay on the waterline fairly well. It does fade slightly but this is to be expected somewhat even with a waterproof product when used on the waterline. I do however think that it would be very longwearing on the upper lashline. The range of colours that Rimmel have brought out are also fantastic and have definately hit on some colours that other affordable brands have missed in the past. After trying this colour, I would like to try black which, if it follows the same consistency, would be a great staple and perhaps taupe, which looks gorgeous.

Overall, I would recommend trying out these because they are excellent for the price and there is a nice variety of colour options. If you have thought about trying a nude eyeliner, this would be a good place to start! These are available at all drugstores, although some only have a small range of the colours and are priced at £3.99. Boots currently have these on offer at 3 for 2 also!

Thank you for reading!

Jodie x

Rimmel Apocalips Review

Sunday 17 February 2013

Today's post is going to be about a product that has had a lot of hype recently in the beauty world- the Rimmel Apocalips lip lacquers! I have wanted to try these for a while now and finally got around to picking one up. There are 8 shades including a lovely pink and a staple red; however, I got the nude one which is fittingly named 'Nude Eclipse'. Now, I'm not really a nude lips kind of person because they tend to wash my pale skin out but this is really lovely.

The formula is quite unique in that it applies like a creamy gloss but dries somewhat. This means that it does have a stronger staying power than a standard lip gloss. However, I found that I did have to reapply this on multiple occasions as it does wear away and become too dry. In terms of colour, this one is very opaque and provides more of the colour expected of a lipstick. The only major downside I found was the smell which I don't particularly like. My one smells very strange and artificial but I am not sure if this is something that is a running occurence or if it is just mine. Nonetheless, I would definately recommend this colour specifically if you are in the market for a good nude!

'Nude Eclipse'

Overall, I really like this product and would quite like to try some of the other colours, especially the red. These are sold at all drugstores now but if you are interested in purchasing one, they are currently on offer in Boots for £5.99 and are also on 3 for 2!

Thank you for reading,

Jodie  x

Welcome and a Tag!

Friday 15 February 2013

Welcome to Jodie's Jottings!

My name is Jodie and I am a self confessed make up, hair, decor and clothes obsessive. On this blog, I will be mainly reviewing and giving my honest opinions on beauty products; however, I will also be writing some fashion and decoration features. There are so many amazing blogs of this genre and I hope to add something a little different. I would like this to become a space where you can come to relax and get your beauty fix... without spending any money!

For this first post, I figured I would do a questions tag so you could get to know me better, so here goes...

1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
My hair has a mind of it's own! If I blow dry it, it tends to be on the straighter side but if I leave it to dry naturally its more wavy!

2. What is your natural hair colour?
Browny-gingery auburn colour!

3. Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?
It is it's natural colour at the moment!

4. How often do you wash your hair?
Every other day.

5. Do you wear the same style every day or change it?
Nope, I change it most days. I go between having it straight, curled or natural but occasionally I wear it up.
6. Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon?
I tend to do my own but will occasionally go to the salon!

7. How often to you change your nail polish?
Not very often- I'm really bad with maintaining it! My nails just chip really easily and I leave them most of the time.

8. Do you polish your toes in the winter, too or just in the summer

Just summer!

9. How long does it take to put on your makeup?

Not long at all- 10 minutes usually.

10. What do you do first? Face or eyes?

11. Do you "collect" makeup or just buy what you need when you need it?
*cough* I definitely could be considered a collector!

12. How often do you wear false eyelashes?
Not very often at all- I occasionally wear individuals as they're a bit more natural.
13. Do you do a full face of makeup every day?
No, to be honest, most days I just wear concealer, eyeliner, mascara and lipgloss but I love doing a full face of makeup!

14. Do you wear makeup when you are home alone (or with family)?
Only if I've been doing something else in the day, otherwise, usually not.
15. Will you leave the house without makeup?
Yes, quite often.

16. How many high end products do you have?
Not very many- I love drugstore bargains!
17. How often do you wash your makeup brushes?
I'm sooo bad with washing makeup brushes- I have good intentions to do it and then never do!

18. Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you are getting dressed?
A bit of both- I plan for more important things but everything else tends to be chosen at the time.

19. How often do you change your handbag?
I use the same bag for fairly long periods of time; I only change if I want something smaller or bigger.

20. What time do you get up & go to sleep?
I usually get up at about 6:30am on a sixth form day and go to sleep at about 11pm.

21. How often & when do you workout?
Not as often as I wish I did- once a week at the gym! I walk my dog too (does that even count? haha)

22. Left-handed or Right-handed?
Right handed

23. How tall are you?
5'6" (and a half!)

24. Do you speak a foreign language?
I speak French but not fluently; I really want to learn as many languages though- I love them!

25. How many pets do you have?
Nope, but my brother has 2 geckos which are pretty cool!
26. How often are you on Blogger?
This is a new blog but I hope to be on here as much as possible!

27. Do you read the comments posted on blogs?
I am really passionate about this blog and I hope everyone will enjoy it so I promise to read all of the comments.

28. Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?
Even before I started blogging I did this like crazy! Right now the Rimmel Apocalips is at the top of my list.

29. How did you come up with your blog name?
I pondered over names for so long but in the end I decided on this because it is simple and doesn't limit my blog.
30. What kind of camera do you use for photographs?
I will be using a casio exilim EX-Z2 digital camera for most of my pictures, especially where good quality is required but may use my iphone camera for some quick photos.

31. How often do you clean your house? (Daily, weekly, other)
As I live with my parents still, it's a joint effort but I try and keep my room tidy throughout the week and then will clear up properly at the weekend.
32. What is your favorite colour?
I really like teal, pink and red.

33. What is your favorite beauty/fashion magazine?
Company Magasine is definitely my favourite!

34. Do you swear?
Very occasionally- I hate it but sometimes!

35. What are you doing with the rest of your day?
Nothing exciting!

Wow- if you've made it through that, thank you! I really hope you are looking forward to this new project as much as I am.
I got this tag from go and read it- its fab!

Thank you again for reading.
